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I Forge Iron

Rebuilding a Canedy Otto Leader Forge


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This forge is 99% cast iron. The gear shafts and the nuts/bolts are the only things that are not cast. The only catch is the gears are not lining up properly. I am thinking there is a part missing? Does anyone else have a forge like this I could see photos of?? Google offered very little help with the images
(see photo #2)



Edited by Animosh
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Are you able to flip the location of your blower and the pulley/gear axle mount? it would appear from the first picture that the shaft for the blower would line up with the larger gear. If you can swap the locations it may line up right... but then again, that might just be an optical illusion.

it almost looks like the larger gear may have been replaced with the wrong size?

Edited by ThorsHammer82
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I shall do better pics in the morning as there is something else kinda bugging me. Also will try putting things the other way around. The project kind of fell off the do it now  radar. Both photos are the same forge 1st pic is wire wheeled and painted for fun

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It may be as simple as just adding a spacer between the table, and the pulley shaft mount to get it low enough to mate with the crank gear.

I was thinking the same thing, I just wanted to be close to the original. The only photos I could find were old catalog photos but I could not see this part. Looking through the catalog the part numbers match up the cast numbers on each part. Gonna check to see if the pulley hanger is the right part number as I do not see a spacer on the catalog repair list.



The picture from the top down has something I am concerned about(not a whole lot though). The shaft for the large gear goes into the firepot. To me this does not seem right. It looks like a large bolt with not threads. If I turn it around the other way the gear would slip off the end.


More photos.....





2015-07-21 09.43.28.jpg

2015-07-21 09.42.20.jpg

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I went through each part matching the number to the part number in the catalog. The only one that does not match is the large gear. It also does not have the same spokes as the catalog. I am thinking that is the problem, the gear was from something else didn't match up and the person gave up on the forge


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I keep getting a 403 error when replying...

The catalog I am refering to 4512.pdf Forges Blowers and Drills. Page 56, parts list on 121 of the catalog. It does not show any other part that I can see. All the other parts match the numbers exact except the gear.


I could make it work, but what fun is that??

Edited by Animosh
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