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I Forge Iron

Hello from a young blackmsith!


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Hi guys, a bit of a new enthusiastic blacksmith here. I'm fourteen and I've been studying historic blacksmithing in Europe and New England for a while, and I need to identify my anvil. I've tried to go on this same forum a couple months back, but every time I'd sign up, I'd get banned for some reason, so this is my first post.

Before I go any further, I want to explain my ordeal:


I've read about it, and decided I would try it. I then realized that I live in an apartment. So, I decided to make some sort of portable set-up. I was looking for a stump anvil, but couldn't find one. I looked at my local classifieds, and didn't find too many listings for any anvils that were in my price/size range. I finally got a hold of a small block of D2 steel. As I didn't have any place to do it, my friend who was willing to help me forge invited me to his house to do it, saying that his parents gave us permission. My other friend who wanted to help and come along carried a large charcoal barbecue filled with gravel and sand , along with a big bag of charcoal. After walking for about a kilometer, my friend said we couldn't because his parents left.

So, since I go camping a couple times every year, I decided I would leave the large barbecue and find a smaller setup.

About a year ago when I went camping, I got that piece of steel, bought a leather apron and gloves, got some KNIPEX Cobra pliers ,and I picked up another smaller charcoal barbecue from a hardware store, filled it up with gravel, topped it off with lump charcoal, and went at it with a pump. I put the block on a rock, and through all the bouncing and ringing, I had managed to make something that roughly looked like a knife, but had to stop when rain hit. The thrill of doing it satisfied me. Even though I haven't had the time to finish that knife to this day, I still went on to try.

My father asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I said I didn't want anything in particular, but he insisted that he buy me something for Christmas. Not knowing what I really wanted, I thought of something off the top of my head. So, I got what every 14 year-old boy ever wanted...

An anvil. 

And I even unknowingly got it from a guy whose videos on blacksmithing I've watched. (Paul Krzysz)

So, on Christmas day I grabbed a ball bearing and heard the thing ring like the sweetest thing in the world.

I decided I needed to try this thing out. I went to a home depot and picked some wood and bolts up and designed a stand for my anvil. I started building it, and ran out of screws. My parents were not home, and I needed the anvil stand for tomorrow. I got on my bike and biked 7km through the snow. I managed to finish the anvil stand on time. So, in -17C (1.4 Fahrenheit) I got together with my friend and pushed a cart with the anvil on it to a park not too far from where I live. There was already a barbecue at the picnic area, so we loaded it up and ran out of the four matches we brought. I ran back and got more, and after struggling with my frostbitten hands, a big flame glowed and we smiled the biggest smile. We didn't get to forge much, as it was a bit too cold outside, and it was too dark to see what I was doing.

But it was nice.

Anyways, sorry for boring you to death with my story, I needed to identify the anvil I got. This probably shouldn't be identified here though.

It doesn't have any markings besides a number "20". (Indicating that it's 20kg (about 45 pounds)

It has a pritchel and hardy hole, both with a diameter of 2cm. The holes both go through the anvil to the bottom. A half-inch steel ball bearing bounces back at least 85% of the way.






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Welcome aboard Doc, glad to have you. Guess what, you have the honor of being the first intro on this new software to get my usual admonition about letting us know where you live. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. You'll learn far more with an experienced smith coaching, even if it's only a LITTLE more experience, than you will in many times the time learning on your own. I know, I spent years teaching myself and learned more the first time I got to watch a smith work than in months of experimenting.

Ah, that's enough of me blathering about that. Believe me, you did NOT bore me with your story, I live for guys like you getting into the craft. Your handle may be Game Doc but you're showing a refreshingly realistic attitude towards learning the craft. Sure, you started out with a knife but so did I and I'll bet yours comes out WAY better. What I find so refreshing is your willingness to go to pretty extreme effort to do some forging. Being charismatic enough to enlist a gang to help is even better.

I'll be proud and honored to give you what help I can.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Welcome aboard Doc, glad to have you. Guess what, you have the honor of being the first intro on this new software to get my usual admonition about letting us know where you live. If you'll put your general location in the header you might be surprised how many of the IFI gang live within visiting distance. You'll learn far more with an experienced smith coaching, even if it's only a LITTLE more experience, than you will in many times the time learning on your own. I know, I spent years teaching myself and learned more the first time I got to watch a smith work than in months of experimenting.

Ah, that's enough of me blathering about that. Believe me, you did NOT bore me with your story, I live for guys like you getting into the craft. Your handle may be Game Doc but you're showing a refreshingly realistic attitude towards learning the craft. Sure, you started out with a knife but so did I and I'll bet yours comes out WAY better. What I find so refreshing is your willingness to go to pretty extreme effort to do some forging. Being charismatic enough to enlist a gang to help is even better.

I'll be proud and honored to give you what help I can.

Frosty The Lucky.

​Thanks! I'll have to try out the software. I live in Ontario, the general GTA (Greater Toronto Area). Also, as I had to sign up again with facebook, my name is "Game Doc" which I hadn't even noticed. Thanks for noting that too.

Anyways, I'll be sure to follow the Artist Blacksmith's Association of Ontario, and see what people of the craft are near me.

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I'm sure we're all adjusting and exploring the new IFI neighborhood so how about letting us know what you find.

By telling us where you are I mean putting it in the header. Just telling us in a post isn't going to last once we aren't looking at it. Heck, I'd have to scroll up and double check now.

Getting with the local blacksmithing organization is a good move.

Frosty The Lucky.


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