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I Forge Iron

My punch/drift/thing holding tongs

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so the local smithy was open today, good to finally work with a roof over your head and some friends to chat with while digging through the stock pile, this thing here is the result of that

not the prettiest one in the world, but to me, the beauty is in how well it works, maybe i'll slap a few twists and a scroll end on it though, if im bored enough at some point


post-29278-0-42191900-1398381892_thumb.j here's the whole thing



post-29278-0-86671000-1398381901_thumb.j the jaws, they were a bit tricky to get, took a while of thinking then i decided just to do it somehow and hope for the best



post-29278-0-43036100-1398381914_thumb.j i twisted the jaws a bit so they wouldn't align with the reins, for easier handling



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