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I Forge Iron

new forge or piece of junk?


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I dropped by my friendly junk man's place the other day and he was making room. One of the neat bits of junk he loaded in my truck was this forge.

Seems small to me. I read Irnsrgn's descriptions for forge dimensions and this seems to fall short. The fire pot seems small, even for use with coal. the chimney port seems small too.

What do you experts think? Is this forge worth any effort or should it be rebuilt?

Comments welcome.





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Would appear to me that the bottom of your firepot is the end of the chain. I may have not seen it all from the pics. Do you have a blower ? you will also need a tuyere ( blast pipe ) and this can be built fairly easily. Does the bottom of the firepot ( underside) have some holes that are threaded ? This forge is fine to use from what I can see. Just needs some work and a blower. Tell us more.

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