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setting up pyrometer


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I purchased this pyrometer mdl, #at-100 kln from auberine.com. I wanted to measure what kind of heat my habenero from chile forge was putting out. I am not a tech guy, i am having a hard time setting this thing up, can anyone give me a heads up in plain english, your input would be greatly appreciated, i inserted the heat probe between the burners at about one inch in the forge, this is what david from chile forge recommended. Thanks all. Sean.

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What is the problem you are seeing?


No display? Display, but no reading? Reading, but one that you cannot believe?


It looks like the instrument comes preset to the thermocouple it is supplied with.


The polarity of each of the connections in the temperature sensing circuit is critical. The red-marked thermocouple wire needs to connect to the red cable core, which needs to go to the negative terminal on the readout (if you've cut it down to fit, you'll have lost the ink mark on the end, so you'll need to check everything else is correct and try the thermocouple both ways to check it; the right way is when the reading goes up when you heat up the thermocouple).


Then it's plug everything in and power it up via the DC power supply.


There doesn't look to be too much else to get wrong, just looking at the manual. http://auberins.com/images/Manual/AT100KLN%201.pdf



Just checking: If you have cut the thermocouple down, you are using the bit with the welded junction, not the 2 cut-off ends?

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Every thing went pretty smooth, i didnt cut any connections, wired it up just like the instructions said, but the readings max out, i would like to just read the temp in the forge, do i have to compensate for ambient temp outside, the meter maxes out as soon as i turn on the forge, ya think i have the wrong setting, thanks for the help. Sean.

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If it rises fast and maxes out, it's possible that the input type is set incorrectly. In the settings menu, "inty" should be set to "K"


I'm not sure what it'll do if it sees sensor break, but I'd expect it to drive high. You can probably test this by unplugging the thermocouple from the readout with it powered. Check your wiring to make sure nothing could be coming loose when it heats up.


Other than that, I'd advise speaking to the tech support line; I guess they keep normal office hours?

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