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I Forge Iron

Update to let you know im still alive haha


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i haven't posted in a while, but i always skim along the forums to look at everyones work. I figured i should show some updates.


Since my last post here my forge has really taken off, I've been selling knives faster than i'm making them. lol. i never knew this would become such an addiction!


I managed to learn some heat treating techniques from an older blacksmith which has helped me a TON.  Here's some of my work since I been away :)




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Fortune favors the prepared mind. A. Einstein


What a bummer, no competition in your field and area! Say your penance while you do your books if you must feel guilt of some sort. That'll take care if it.


I'll bet the guys making stoves on a piece of RR rail with a hammer, chisel, punch and fire when needed in Africa make a few knives, machetes, axes and what ever someone needs from old car parts too.


You and all the other real Blacksmiths making a living on what they have are all the testimony the new comers looking for the perfect set of tools and equipment need. If that is they get off their computers or smart phones, build a fire and use what they have.


My hat is off to YOU sir. Well done. Enjoy the spoils of your labors.


Frosty The Lucky

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Thank you again my friend!  I will enjoy it if it is earned :) The knives I've made started crappy , and I still don't think they are perfect in anyway. But they paid for me to build myself a standing building behind my house,  a 200lb hay budden anvil,  and several other tools. In the meantime , the extra income has helped alot with my bills and raising a family. I love making knives, and plan on doing it until I can't do it ! So much to learn ! when I come here and look at knives that you guys make, I feel humbled, and then inspired!

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