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I Forge Iron

My forge and Chimney

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It seems to draw pretty good. I have 8 inch pipe right now seeing how it works out. if I need bigger pipe I can always add more. And I picked up some scrap metal from a friend of mines house. He had that old spring laying in a pile of scrap. Told me I could have it. Where I got my tray for the forge and the hood for the chimney too. Gave it all to me for free.

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I think the widened opening of your hood is really cutting down on the ability of your setup to draw the smoke. This is what the draw on mine looks like:






(This is approximately the super sucker hood design.) The flat flange around the edge forces all draw to be from the "front" concentrating the draw over the fire. Your cupped flange does that but it also makes the opening much bigger than the pipe dramatically slowing down the air velocity exactly where you want high velocity. I think you'd get better much better smoke draw if you just had the pipe longer. Unfortunately, that would probably make things too hot for your pipe gauge. The hood (16 ga w/ 3/16" for the flange) allows mixing so the peak temps hitting my pipe aren't too bad. Pipe probably never gets above 300° F in my setup.



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Your probably right on the opening, but about a foot to the right of the forge the whole wall is opened up. Makes alot of the smoke just blow outside.. I plan on closing that wall in with a door so I can forge in the winter without being in the wind and weather.

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