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I Forge Iron

Anvil Identification

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post-2217-0-53697700-1357570722_thumb.jpI purchased an Anvil last thursday. I was hesitating on the Purchase because I wasn't sure whether it had a good ring, or rebound to it.

The guy that had it dropped a 1" Ball Bearing on the face, and that sold it instantly, as there was about a 90-95% rebound.

He had it advertised as a 120lb Kohlswa, but upon getting it home, and inspecting it further, I don't know how he figured it was a Kohlswa.

The only Markings I can see are difficult to make out.

On the side with the Horn Facing to the LEFT there is a FAINT marking that looks like Possibly, (UST), or (JST), and below that is what appears to be a a city name, that is difficult to make out as well... It appears to be on the lines of (M----VILLE). I have done a search and have come up with nothing. I haven't remove the Anvil from the stand to see if there are any markings on the bottom. I am attaching the Only pic I have at this time. My camera took a Dump on me this weekend, I will post more pics when I get a new camera if needed. Thanks in advance.

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