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I Forge Iron

Are Anvil Horns Not Hardened?

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Somewhere I seem to recall reading that anvil horns are not hardened. Is that true?

If so, do we need to be extra careful about working metal on the horn? I sometimes use the horn for fulllering/drawing out metal, and as a total amateur 'smith, my hammer swings are not the most accurate in the world.

If the horn of my SWEET Peter Wright anvil is not hardened, should I restrict my fullering to the face of the anvil, where it's hardened tool steel, in case I accidentally "miss" with the hammer ... at least until I'm a little more experienced?

This anvil is in really nice shape, and I'd hate to mess it up.

Thanks for any advice.

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I rember Clifton Ralph fielding a question from someone at one of his demos back in the 90's.......The guy asked; ''can you tell us how to rebuild PH dies?'' and Clifton snorted; ''NAW, I'll show you how to wear em out!''.... :lol: ...The point being, what we do to our tools causes wear and tear. Just look at how many anvils a sway backed from years of normal use. As long as you're not a knuckle draging cretin with reguard to missing blows on the horn you won't hurt it, It just gives it a little character ..... ;)

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Thank you for the replies. What's neat about them (and about this site and about blacksmithing in general) is that in a way, they constitute a history lesson. It seems the more you learn about blacksmithing, the more you learn about steel, and the more you learn about history, and so on. It's like they all go hand-in-hand.

Anyway, not to ramble. Thanks again.

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