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Yellin job cards Hypercard stack and/or contact info for Jack Andrews?


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I had at one time a copy of the Apple Mac Hypercard Stack that contained the Samuel Yellin job cards. I think that this was created by Jack Andrews for his book, Samuel Yellin: Metalworker since he talks about it in the book and has a summary of some of the information. I have hit a dead end trying to get contact info for Jack. Skipjack press seems to have been sold at least once and Google has not helped me so far.

Does anyone have a copy of the Hypercard stack and/or current contact info for Jack Andrews that they would share?


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Hypercard was an application provided with Apple Macintosh systems from 1984 through 2004. It was a simple to use user interface builder/database. It was not continued when the Macintosh moved to their new OS X operating system. My intent is to port the Yellin job cards into some system that more modern computers can run and make it available on iForge. - Doug

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Edit - Never mind, I thought it was just the program you were after.

On a side not RunRev have a product called livecode which works on most OS and allows you to import hypercard stacks.

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Thanks for the pointers. I have had an email in to Finney for a week now with no response. I'll have a look at LiveCode. I had not heard of that product before. I was planning to use SuperCard but that is a fairly expensive product so it would be nice to have an alternative.

I do have a couple of leads from other sources that I am chasing. If I finally make contact, I'll let folks here know.

Thanks - Doug

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