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I Forge Iron

Buffalo 200 blower

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G'Day World ,

as the title says i'm after some parts for a Buffalo 200 hand crank blower

OZ is starved for smithin' gear & finding another blower here for parts is probably outta the question .

What i'm after is the " fan " drive gear & shaft . Mine was left out side for many yrs before i got it & ants decided to use the blower for a home , causing the fan drive gear to rust away .

I spent 2 hrs today attempting to reproduce the gear pattern out of epoxy ( wrapped with epoxy putty gear & cranked to get shape ) but in my excitment i couldn't wait for epoxy to dry & cranked blower only to have all my good work " mashed " between the upper gear .. :(

Now to what i'm after .
Hopefully some 1 has a " part's " blower that i could maybe buy from or if any 1 could make me a mould of the gear out of plaster / silicone so i can cast 1 out of bronze .

Would pay for your time / shipping , really wanna get this blower back to work again & am hopin' some out in the wide world of smithin' can help me

Dale Russell

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