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I Forge Iron

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Hello there guys,
My girlfriend just passed some tender or exams or whatever and is going on erasmus to Monteral from aprox february to june next year. When my dad heard about it, he offered me a free flying ticket, that he can have. He has been flying regularly on business trips and has like million customer points.
So i was thinking myself why not to take advantage of such opportunity. I have no formal smithing education, and no mentor. 99 percent of what i know about blacksmiths trade is from internet, books and my own "learning the hard way". I really, really want to be professional blacksmith, I simply LOVE the work, the feel of holding a shining yellow metal, the heat, the smell of coal, and you know what i am talking about. So i started a business year ago, but i don´t have enough commissions, in fact i am doing quite bad right now. Which means that if i go off for a couple of months on a learning trip i will not hurt my business to much.

The question is:
Are you, or do you know any man/woman in Montreal who runs a shop
that can use some extra help for a couple of months? My condition is simply that a good deal of forging be there to experience.
I am only asking for enough money to cower my basic needs like food and place to sleep. That may still be quite some money, but if you can provide me with at least the most basic accommodation i am going to be a really cheep work force. I don´t plan to bring home money (no that i object ) and i have none to take there.

My simplified CV:
I am 26 years old.
I have been studying financial mathematics for four years before i left the collage. This proves, i hope, at least two things: that i am not as dumb as a bucket, and i am a fool into blacksmithing.
After i left a school i took a job in welding shop, because it was closest to smithing i could get. Been working there for some
5 years up to this day. But it is a small shop, just me and my boss, and lately we are having like a quarter of work we could use. Big advantage of the fact that there were only two of us was that i learned to do all kinds of things.Basically everything you need to know to produce welded constructions like gates or railings except welding and spray painting. Those two are the domain of my boss. I can weld with mig and electrode, but i would not call my self a pro. Having lots of no-work periods gave me time to start learning the forging for some two years now. I will let my work do the talk instead of me in this manner. Check the gallery on my web if you are interested.

My English should prove to be little to no obstacle. I hope so, but i have never been to Canada, so i can´t be sure. I can read blackmithing books in English with no problem what so ever.
Additional skills include:
-drawing (i would call myself a beginer, but not a novice, in portrait drawing)
-design (forged items being my specialty) :)
-all kinds of computer software like sketchup.
-I have been doing lot of video editing in the past (something that can be useefull to advertise on the internet)
-mathematics :)
-guitar playing :) :) :)
-and i am physically in good shape.

So if you know about somebody that might be eventually interested, please let them know. Also comment and suggest, even just to say that i am a fool and this is not possible for what ever reason.
I know that there are obstacles like working visa, but i will look into them deeper after i have something solid to hold on.

Sorry for the long post, but as a satisfaction i can say it took me much longer to write it that for you to read it. :)


Hi Marek,

Here's a list of some of the blacksmith shops around Montreal.
Yup, it's in french and I don't know which one of them also speaks english or if they are looking for help right now but it's a place to start...

All the e-mail adresses are there so you may want to post the above message to them and see how that goes...

By the way, you do very nice work !


Good luck !

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