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I Forge Iron

Old flux on forge floor

Raymond Sauvage

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Since i´m not alowed to burn coal where i live, i curently use a Diamondback two burner welding forge. I´m very satisfied with the performance of the forge. However after a while there is a buildup of slagg and old flux on the forge floor (dense firebrick), which sticks to everything i put inside the forge. I use some kind of scraper to scrape out most of the flux, but this do not remove everythng. My solution at the moment is to place some flat bar on the forge floor. Does anybody haver other solutions to this problem?

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Flux is going to trash the FB period. I've found the biggest headache is not the cost of new brick but tearing the thing apart to put in new bricks. I break up soft firebricks or cut them up in the band saw with an old blade into walnut size chunks then install a dam to keep em in place (most of the time). When they get fouled they're easy to remove or they just wear away. The floor of my forge is trashed but you wouldn't know it, the pix were taken less than a minute after lighting. All the jagged edges capture the heat nicely. Hard FB works too but you can forget about using the bandsaw.



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The problem is not flux damaging the firebrick. The dense firebrick in the floor of the Diamondback forges stands up to the flux (the dense firebrick is used as a floor on top of the soft firebrick lining). So the problem is to avoid getting old flux stuck on workpiecec when not forgewelding. Igues i wil try to get some kind of sacrificial sheet.

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I use a gas forge for all my pattern welding work and flux will eat everything it comes into contact with. My solution is to use a piece of stainless steel, as Herb says, on the forge floor to rest the work on so it does not come into contact with the goo.


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The problem is not flux damaging the firebrick. The dense firebrick in the floor of the Diamondback forges stands up to the flux (the dense firebrick is used as a floor on top of the soft firebrick lining).

I've found that once hard firebrick is coated with the dreaded goo it no longer reflects heat nearly as well....a titanium plate would last a long time.............................................................................
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