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I Forge Iron

Need help with this one

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It is a co-worker's anvil, belonged to his grandfather.

We cleaned it up and found the numbers 1-0-8 (120lbs I think) no other numbers or letters. The 1 is upside down.

It appears to be forge welded construction, steel plate for the face and I would suspect wrought iron for the rest. I can make out a deffinate flatter mark on one side of the body and almost all of the weld lines are visable to some extent.

No pritchell hole just the hardie hole. Has the two square holes, one under the horn one under the heel. Horn was not welded on center-line of the body. I think it is a mouse hole, but I am no expert.

I do know it is old. I seem to remeber reading something about the lack of a round hole indicating an older anvil....... I am not sure.

Share the knowledge!!!!!!

ps. could not get the uploader to work so I had to post links, sorry.


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I was just looking at Anvils In America last night relative to the early anvils. In it, Postman says that anvils didn't have cutting tables until around 1780 or so, but certainly after 1800. Without the pritchel, according to Postman, it's pre-1820. As far as maker, there were many and without markings, usually unknown. So, I would say it's most likely an English anvil from around 1800 (plus or minus 20 years) based on what I read last night. Hope it helps. Is a nice anvil.

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