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I Forge Iron

Another big hello from Canada!

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Hello everyone,

After jumping in the deep end and posting in the "I have a right to know..." thread, I've gotten a little spooked about making a poor first impression with all the very knowledgeable and accomplished members on these forums.

I'm what the New England School of Metalwork defines as a "seasoned beginner". Although I am making this my life's work, I've only been at it for the past year or so. I took a weekend course with a local blacksmith, attended CanIRON VIII, and then enrolled in the Artist Blacksmith program in Haliburton. Now I've rented a little 800 sqft industrial unit and I'm in the process of putting together my starter shop. I call myself a blacksmith, but I'm fully aware of how little I've done and how much I have to learn. On-the-job training is the name of the game, with myself as the teacher (though I've been gazing longingly at some of your course offerings - yes, you know who you are).

I look forward to butting heads with strong personalities, only to later discover that I mostly agree with them.


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