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I Forge Iron

Damascus woodsman's knife


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Here's what I've been working on this week...the blade is 5160 and 1080, with antler handle wrapped with deer skin and artificial sinew and what I believe is a small alligator tooth tongue.gifThe blade is 4.25 inches long and over all length on about 9 inches. This was my second pattern welded blade and the first I have actually had as a finished knife. All comments, criticisms, and questions are welcome. Thanks for looking!



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That is a really good looking blade... nice piece of antler too.

Now, if you really want critique, I'll offer this: It looks like you were on the way to a top-notch knife until the very end and then you rushed it. A nice bolster area treatment would have really put this one over the top. Pewter would look great, but simply rounding the antler and having a neat pin job would be good.

I must confess, when I first started down the path of "making my own", I used artificial sinew on everything, but now I hate it. It is strong, but the best it will ever look is "artificial". Plus, I'm not a big fan of hiding good handle material under hide and leather and such. But that's one man's opinion; there might be a thousand others who love that wrap-handle treatment.

All that said, it's still a fine looking piece. Great job on the pattern weld. And kudos on getting a good weld with 5160... I've heard it can be tough.

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Don, thank you very much for the critique...I've wanted to get a hold of actual sinew for a while now but have gotten around to it...I agree about the look of the artificial sinew though. I was actually considering a brass bolster but I decided that I wanted to have a much more primitive look but the antler is thin enough that it doesn't impede the grip. But I did have to rush it... :blink: because I'm heading away for the next week and needed it to be done for a survival camp "thingy" I'm helping with the day after I get back...if only there were more time!

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Nice pattern. What did you etch with? I thought 5160 and 1080 wouldn't show a good contrast, but I guess I read it wrong. I will have to try. I have some 5160 and 1085. Maybe this weekend if the weather holds I can fire up the dragon and see if I can weld them also. I have been just trying to make knives out of 1 steel hoping to get better before I do patterns, but want to do pattern welding for sure. Just afraid I will get a good pattern then screw it up trying to make the knife. LOL
Great looking blade.


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Dave, I used ferric chloride in a concentration of about 1 to 5...the 5160 etches a lot darker and faster then W1 I found out but I let it soak for about 20 minutes and after I cleaned all the sludge off I took 3000 grit sandpaper and then rubbed both sides down and this was the result.

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