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My shop has high ceilings, so my first thought was to mount the motor and jackshaft for my new hammer to the ceiling. My neighbors and good friends live above my shop though, so I'm worried this will make their floor shake even more than it's going to already. Has anyone gone this route and care to relate if, and how much, the vibrations from the hammer transferred to the motor mount? It's definitely the easiest way for me to do it, but I can always use a 12' heavy walled steel post mounted to the floor if it will make it unbearable for them. Thanks!


Mine is mounted to the hammer frame and has never caused me any issues. OTOH, I doubt mounting in the ceiling would be a problem either because the assembly will be balanced and shouldn't produce any undue vibrations. The hammer also won't transfer anything thru the belt.


If the motor is hard fastened to the ceiling I don't think the problem will be shaking but rather the humm of the motor itself...that would drive me batxxxx!


I second what macbruce said. Bradley hammers use a stand on the floor beside the hammer they works very well. I'll try to get pics of one of mine & post later today.


How big is the motor, how smooth running is the jack shaft, and how permanent is the shop space? the only ceiling mounted motor/lineshaft I've ever worked around made the ceiling sound like an active bowling alley, but it was very old and very rickety. It might be a wise investment of time and money to make the hammer and motor one single and (comparability) easy to move package. I will emphasize, old mechanicals I have little experiance with, so I'm sure there's better to listen to people around here, but my guess is the more you work, the more stained your relations shall become. Thusly a formulated exit strategy, is a good thing. I assume you don't do this for a living? I ask because most hobby smiths find it convenient to get into their shops at the same times normal people are trying to relax in their domiciles. just some things to think about. Take care, Matt

P.s. where in philly are you ?


Thank you for the info, stewart. The whole pm/messenger feature I find befuddling. Sorry about that. some friends of mine have a fairly bustling blacksmiths night every friday in west philly, plenty of tools for everyone (anvils, hammers, power hammers ect.) feel free to email me or call if your in the neighborhood. my current shop is at 41st and haverford ave, but am in the process of moving farther southwest(in philly). Matt 727-365-5593 [email protected]


Thanks Phil, I will have to make mine taller though. The top of my flywheel is about 6.5' off the floor, and if I wanted to mount the motor and jackshaft to the hammer or floor I'd need to move the flywheel back of the hammer, on the end of the shaft. There's a nice looking handwheel on that end though, and I'd rather leave it as is. I guess I'll be making a tall post sort of thing to mount it on. And thanks macbruce, I didn't even think about the hum from the motor...that's enough reason not to do it right there when there's another option.


Here is how I set mine up, it is a slack belt system. I found someone who set their hammer up this way so I just did the same and it works well.



Thanks, that looks like the type of mounting system I'll probably end up with. I'm planning on using a jackshaft like the one in peacock's photo, do you have any issues with slippage or anything running it right off of that small diameter drive pulley?

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