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I Forge Iron

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About five years ago, one of my good high school friends gave me some bandsaw blade to make knives with. After sitting on the shelf for half a decade, I picked it back up today and made this. No hot forging, all stock removal.

Overall length: 10.5 inches
Blade length: 5.5 inches
Handle 5.0 inches
Cherry slabs pinned with 3/16" copper rod. Patina-ed with Ferric Chloride.

Blade etched with Ferric Chloride, with white-out used for the cross.




I like it. It inspires me to make some. I have a friend that has a portable lumber mill and he gave me 8 used blades. Maybe in a half of a half of a decade I will start one. Wouldn't want to push it :P .
Same friend also gave me 4 ea large 4ft diameter wagon cart wheels that were laying around his old farm house. All are wrought iron. :D :D
I am blessed by having good friends. Even if they don't give me free stuff.

Mark <><

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