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I Forge Iron

1/2 inch steel cable SUCCESSFULLY FORGE WELDED today


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My very first (by myself). I am stoked. I took about 2.5 feet of twisted steel cable and forge welded to probly .5 by .5 inches give or take and 9 to 10 inches long. It totally destroyed a fire brick in the bottom of the forge. Is this the norm? Does the steel slag or whatever cause this or the flux?
I continue to get internal server error or error 500 when posting pics. I resized to 600x800 as posted but it still won't work. I would like to show the pics but for whatever reason it is beating me down.


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Congradulations The first is alway the hardest but now you know it can be done go it gets easier.
As for the fire brick was it a soft one. A hard brick should not of been eaten in one days forging.
It is the flux that eats forge lining especially koawool type gas forges.
Last fall I did see a waste oil fired crucible forge that melted some fire brick

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Got them from the neighbor so I don't know. They are pretty light feeling so the fact it melted away I would say soft. Truthfully I didn't know there were 2 kinds. I will be looking to get a few hard ones from somewhere near me. I still want to twist and fold it one more time. Then hammer to 1/4" and make a cool knife. Gonna attack the chainsaw chain also. I have probly 25 lbs to play with.

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If it's the size of a regular brick but considerably lighter, it's probably an insulating firebrick, which explains the corrosion. Get yourself a super duty firebrick split (1-1/4" thick) or two. They won't be totally immune to flux, but they'll last a good while.

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