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Beaudry Belt drive configuration

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I just got home with a #9 Beaudry belt drive hammer and need to figure out a good drive configuration. I have a 1100 rpm 7.5 hp motor I plan on using but that means I need a bout a 5:1 reduction in speed. Obviously a 4" drive pulley won't offer enough belt engagement for good smooth operation so I guess it will have to have a jackshaft which I don't much care for... I have plenty of headroom to do the motor overhead which seems like it would work the best but be the biggest pain.. Care to show pictures and tips for how you set up your Beaurdy?

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Most of the slack belt clutch Beaudry hammers I've seen have had the motor & jack shaft mounted on a tower above the hammer.



Edited by Will. K.
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Well, I would post a pic but the website won't allow it - maybe later.

Edit (later): No luck; I cannot load a pic directly - whether in the gallery or here - but I will make some comments.

My drive setup is similar to Kevin's. I built a jackshaft setup out of scrap and salvaged parts about 25 years ago for my #4 Beaudry. The only new piece was the 3 hp, 1725 rpm Century motor. The hammer has always run well and never given me any trouble apart from the "hit and miss" problem I recently posted about - I believe this is due to wear inside the ram. At the time, I conducted a lot of research about which drive system to use and I talked to both Dimitri Gerakaris and Russ Swider before settling on a jackshaft design; both of these smiths were Beaudry hammer users during the 1980's and recommended that setup. I sized the driven flywheel and step-down pulleys to give me 240 bpm, which is a little slower than the 275 listed by the factory.

The driven wheel also has a piece of old canvas belting glued to it. This really makes the belt sing along at speed and when the motor is running, the lacing clips make a nice, consistent "snick, snick" while the idler wheel hums on its bearing. After all these years, I adjust the turnbuckle by ear because I'm so accustomed to the correct noise - and I do have to adjust belt tension based on temperature and humidity. When set properly, the brake will release just before the belt grabs as the treadle is depressed.

Small drive pulleys on higher speed motors have problems with Beaudry and similar hammers that start moving from scratch without benefit of a flywheel clutch because the lack of surface area causes slippage. The hammer eventually turns but the belt squeals and slips before taking off. LG and other flywheel hammers don't have this problem. My jackshaft setup with large drive wheel will hit a hard single blow when you stomp on the treadle because almost all of the energy transfers immediately to the hammer's drive wheel. It also puts everything up over your head and is less dangerous to move around since there is no belt running at body level to grab you.

I would love to have a bigger one and a #9 is a great size - that should come to about 225 lbs dead ram weight.

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th_100_6748.jpg Monster this is how mine is set up heres a video if it runnin I have the stroke set pretty short on this hammer it is set up with a jack shaft to run 300 rpms to the drive pulley whicth is the same size as the hammer pully I have exellent control with this hammer I made the tower with stuff I had on hand, here are a couple of pics100_6792.jpg
I know some fellas that have set up their hammer very similar to the links Will K put up of Baltimore Knives hammer with idler reversed and the worked well, I like the motor and shaft above out of the way if you have the room myself but thats just me(no obstuctions that way).
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Get ahold of an old Machinery's handbook, I think 4 inch drive pulley is in spec. I made a 3.5"aluminum drive pulley for my mechanical hammer, again with a 1100 rpm motor. It will slip a little upon startup, then I spray the belt with stickygoo belt dressing, works good for about a week.

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My Beaudry has the internal clutch in the flywheel so the belt its always driving the flywheel. It came with slow speed motor (i think 900rpm) with a 4"-6" pulley on the motor, I don't recall the exact diameter. I haven't run the hammer yet so i can't say how well it works. The motor mount has a screw take-up to tighten the belt.

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Yep,,, thanks for the pics.... Those overhead shots are pretty much what I had in mind... Anyone know about the modern thin slack belt materal? I had a little champion hammer that had a belt made out of the stuff and it was super slick.. Not sure what it was called though, It was only like a 1/8 or less thick and when it got warm it generated its own "stick"

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+1 on the "larger drive pulley at slower rpm with jackshaft vs. high speed smaller pulley". I started out with a high speed 4" pulley on my 125lb fairbanks slack belt, and the response/control was aweful. Switched up to a jackshaft with a 16" drive wheel for the flat belt side (motor side of jackshaft is triple v-belt), and the control is butter smooth. For belting, don't bother with real leather, it is nothing short of aweful (wasted 300 on a belt, and after cutting it 4 times to get the ever-longer-stretch out, I went to SBR rubber belting from mcmaster). I'm running a 7.5 hp motor, and the mcmaster number for the belting is 5753k432 for 3" belt, you will need larger most likely. They sell up to 6" wide. Cheap and it works great, don't forget to buy the alligator clips.

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My #8 is not a good setup. It runs the flat belt tight and slips the 3 V belts. It would be fine for constant heavy work but the idler really needs to be moved over to the flat belt side(half speed shaft on back)

I wont be changing it until I put the motor over head or do a line shaft.

I wasn't going to say anything but that was kind of my guess seeing how it was set up... I have a little giant that someone had welded the clutch together and was using a slack belt system to engage V belts through a complicated system... It lacked the finesse of the flat and wide slack belt hammers I have run
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