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I Forge Iron

Hoping to learn!


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Hello, I am fifteen and I swear I am an old soul, while others my age are interested in other things,
I'm more interested in the art of Blacksmithing.
I reside in the outskirts of Paragould, Arkansas with my family, and I hope to learn a lot from this forum.
I saw a thing about swordsmithing on the history channel, and I figured you must start somewhere, and learn the basics and such to get very good at the art, so that is what I am here to do.
any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you for reading. :)

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Hello Hyde, and welcome to IFI. There are several young folks on this site and some have been doing some great things with metal. You are correct in that you must first learn the basics before you can make swords, etc. But the idea of making swords is not an unreachable goal. Look thru the forums on here and you will find a lot of info on building a forge and tools to how to do different projects. I hope that your interest is only increased with the knowledge that you will gain, here. Have fun with the craft/art and learn as you go. Good luck. :)

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hey hyde, i too am young and just starting blacksmithing i probably got a better leap in it that alot of people but i did loads of reasearch and piled my stuff up over a year but without this forums 80% of it wouldent have been done, you came to the right place these people on here are wonderful and full of knowledge and just like you i to am an old soul have fun smithing and and starting it can be a long process but make the best of it, theres nothing i dislike about smithing its great but then again i've only smithed for about a month so what would i know :3

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Welcome to IFI, the very best source for info on blacksmithing. You are right, there is a lot of basic stuff you need to learn before you can make a sword. And the journey IS fun! A book you might want to get is "The Art Of Blacksmithing" by Alex Bealer. It is a good starter book with lots of information. Good luck, be safe and post many times to tell us how you are progressing.

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