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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Hyde

  1. Hello, I was wondering if this forge will be usable, Its like a 55 forge but with a few modifications. I don't know the exact dimensions of it, but I will post pictures, the pipe has holes in it for the air flow. Would it be possible to use a air compressor as an air source? Thank you for your replies and feedback.
  2. Forge should be done by the weekend, doing it a little at a time. :) 55 forge with modifications. Hope everyone here is doing well.

  3. Thank you everyone that replied to this. (:
  4. Hello, I am fifteen and I swear I am an old soul, while others my age are interested in other things, I'm more interested in the art of Blacksmithing. I reside in the outskirts of Paragould, Arkansas with my family, and I hope to learn a lot from this forum. I saw a thing about swordsmithing on the history channel, and I figured you must start somewhere, and learn the basics and such to get very good at the art, so that is what I am here to do. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you for reading. :)
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