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Brian will be coming up to Peter's Valley Craft Center in Beautiful Northern NJ!!!!!!!!!

Yet it's unbelievable the class is not filled yet!!! For those that saw Brian at the Northeast Blacksmiths Association, or EVEN BETTER for those that missed it, now's your chance to get hands dirty and have the unique opportunity to learn with the man himself! There are plenty of spots left. It boggles my mind that the class was not filled months ago when the announcement was made he would be teaching!!!!! If you are on the fence now is your opportunity to take your work and skill to the next level. Here is the info:



It'll be a downright shame if no one in the Northeast takes advantage of this, low on dough? there is work study available, NO EXCUSE :) !~


Thanks Sam..... for pointing out that Brian's class isn't full yet. All of us at Peters Valley are hoping he'll be able to come and teach but that won't happen if more students don't sign up for the class.



Doc I would hope the class fills.

I am embarrassed by the lack of response, so many questions on here about newbs looking for teachers, but I guess they are really just looking for a free ride. Shame no one is not taking advantage of this......


Sam Don't feel bad I had the same response down here. It turned out that only a few from out side the local chapter came to the class. To bad for them Brian was great and imparted so much knowledge in Just a demo. I learned more in 24 hours than I have in the last 10 years. Those that make the class will advance in skill in leaps and bounds. Taken what I was shown and what already know the additional info was priceless. And I would take the time to set up another class even if no one else shows up. I want to learn.


Sam/ Doc,
I registered for this class as soon as it was posted - thinking it would fill up quick.
Are you guys serious that there is a chance that the class WON'T be held... that would suck.


My son 15 year old son Daniel (www.theapprenticeblacksmith.com) took Brian's Forge to Finish class at the Louisiana Area Metalsmiths Conference (a really great group) and I was so impressed with Brian's ability to show one how to move metal that Danial and I traveled to Brian's shop in Mississippi to learn even more. Now, I am able to forge fairly respectfully and Daniel is leading tool making demonstartions both within our association (www.habairon.com) and at the George Ranch Historical Park where he works as a blacksmith. Daniel is much more confidant of his skills after spending time with Brian and has a better grasp of how to start a project without wasting a lot of time. I would (and do so often) encourage anyone wishing to take there forging up a notch to take any opportunity available and spend some time with Brian Brazeal.

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