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I Forge Iron

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Hello all. I made an induction heater for a friend who is into forging swords. Originally, I built this just for fun. I modified some of the coils to allow him to heat a brick of iron up to the point of melting if he so chooses. I am including two videos showing it heating the brick and another heating a knife blank.

I thought this would be a good place to share this technology. Please feel free to ask any questions.

iron brick

Longer video of heating brick and hammering

Heating a blank

Heating a blank and hammering


I hope Sandy is happy with that tool....


That is cool that you know him. I am planning to get it to him on the 26th of June. He says his shop is ready. He has better use for it than I do, although I do have fun using it.

That is cool that you know him. I am planning to get it to him on the 26th of June. He says his shop is ready. He has better use for it than I do, although I do have fun using it.

Sandy was in my shop last year? or the year before....known him for years..interesting dude...one of the more useful folk I have ever met.
I have a 50Kw Pachydyne by Ajax that I am slowly getting operational...need a coolant pump and to make up some coils (and a coolant for that as well)...hope to have it powered up this year....got a generator just to provide it with 50kw of 480 food.

Sandy likes you...he describes you as the madscientist type.

Sandy was in my shop last year? or the year before....known him for years..interesting dude...one of the more useful folk I have ever met.
I have a 50Kw Pachydyne by Ajax that I am slowly getting operational...need a coolant pump and to make up some coils (and a coolant for that as well)...hope to have it powered up this year....got a generator just to provide it with 50kw of 480 food.

Sandy likes you...he describes you as the madscientist type.

I would not go that far. Nonetheless, maybe some people will find this tutorial interesting if they want to build one for themselves:

Build your own induction heater

This is an excellent opportunity for the mad scientist crew to meet the brute force crew and get a ton of stuff done.
Guys with lab coats in charge of heating, guys with leather aprons in charge of beating. Seems like the best of both worlds to me. :)

  • 5 months later...

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