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I Forge Iron

Biggest Hammer in Production Today?

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yep those last couple of hits on the big hammers chatter your teeth. You cant really tell in the video but you can really feel when the dies start pingin' off each other. As far as the hammer with problems, one of the packing rings around the rod blew out and some of the material made it into the throttle cutout inside the hammer making it start moving and hitting on its own. talk about scary right there. Them hammers aren't forgiving at all, if you get bit by one it usually isn't good.

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That noise from the hammer was a blown gasket on the steam pressure line, nothing too serious just annoying! The best part is when the main steam line blows, thats when you turn and run, or get on your knees and crawl to feel your way outta the shop.

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Hey Scurry57

All the hammers in your shop closed die hammers? or do you guys use open die too. What sort of steam plant are you guys using to provide steam for all those hammers. Looks like a fun place to work on a hot day, I noticed all the big man fans in the background.
Love the little charging manipulator too.

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Hey Scurry57

All the hammers in your shop closed die hammers? or do you guys use open die too. What sort of steam plant are you guys using to provide steam for all those hammers. Looks like a fun place to work on a hot day, I noticed all the big man fans in the background.
Love the little charging manipulator too.

Yep, all the work we do in the hammer shop is strictly closed die forging. as far as steam we have 2 boilers, they push around 20,000 lb/hr of steam and we only run one at a time. The man fans are nice but with all the hot weather lately its miserable, I wear thermal underwear under my uniform and with the fans its like standing in front of a blow dryer. The temp in our shop is usually 130+ with hot weather like this.

Danger, my position out there is heater/trimmer and Ive never done any blacksmithing outside of work yet. Its something that interests me and I am looking to start doing some stuff soon!.
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Henry Vogt was my great uncle. My dad, C. W. Vogt (1891-1973), was a major inventor and I am researching his career. He worked for the HVMC in th early 1920's.

To read two blogs I've posted on my dad which reference that company:

http://www.talkfestool.com/vb/tico-vogt-custom-furniture-cabinetry/4860-covington-kentucky-1913-family-mystery.html one year ago and this recently (timely for Veterans Day):


ptree and anybody else who was familiar with the Henry vogt Machine company, I am keenly interested to discuss the company.


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