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I Forge Iron

Junk Horse

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A good friend and client of mine has been coveting a sculpture at the Denver Art Museum for some time by Deborah Butterfield.........A likeness of a horse made entirely of trash sheet metal........But didn't want to spend around $40k.......He asked me if I could do something like kinda like that for his garden..........Sure I said, thinking on one hand, If is screw this up my friend and client might not be so after this project or cripes I really need the work........Well It's coming along, and it hasn't been easy but the client is cool with it so far.........





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Looks like you're off to a good start on the stallion, "go big red", sure is a long legged beast though, must be a sprint horse. :P

Thanks for the comments all ! Don't know if the client will like the macho addition, but I'll gladly torque em' in, no extra charge...:lol:
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I's coming along......getting the body line and rump to look right are a noogie.......On one hand it's supposed to be very grotesque and on the other it has to meet basic anatomical parameters .......Harder than I thought, especially given the material



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  • 2 weeks later...

Alas poor ''Audi'' was gelded per the clients demand...........Almost done....the client is thinking about having him galvanized, I hope so cause he's going to live outside.
This project has given me a new appreciation for working with IRON, not paint covered horse pucky.........mb



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A quarter horse eh? Those kind of nuances might be a little hard to achieve with this format.........If you can, more power to you!
The client wasn't a fan of the ''jocular'' humor, reguarding the naughty bits.......so he was gelded........:(
The client has a huge ironworks/fab company so he did a little gov't work in the shop on the base. It' two 16'' x 4'' x 1/2'' wall tubes side by side capped and welded down the middle........I don't have any idea how many passes it took to fill the gap completely , and then ground flush, but I'm glad I got out of that! I needle scaled the weld and surrounding area..........It was simply sandblasted and then splashed with a mild muriatic acid to accelerate rust. It was raining when I took the pic, so it's appearance is maybe a little deceiving............................mb

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