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hey i'm keaton and i'm considering starting blacksmithing with my little brother. i'm 17 and i live in Edmonton alberta so i don't have the luxury of some of the tools that some of you rural folk may have. I've already mapped out a scrap and auto yard for a brake drum forge. and my brother and i are going shopping for tools. any suggestions on places to look for tool or where i could get some flat piece of metal to bang on? let me know



Hey Keaton, Welcome to you and your brother. Plenty of good info here on IFI. Don't worry about getting all the right tools at one time. They will coome in time. The most inmportant tools are: forge (heat source), hammer and something to use as an anvil. Note I didn't say anvil. Many of us start out without an anvil and use what we can. A good stout piece of steel, an old railroad track, something found at a scrap/junk yard.
Look around the IFI site to see if there are any blacksmiths in your area. They will be glad to help you get started in your new hobby.


Oh man I almost forgot! The most important thing is SAFETY! Proper protection for all work. Always wear safety glasses. Always! Gloves, apron, safety shoes, etc. Be careful and enjoy.


Thanks for the great advice Mark! Any advice on what type of apron or glasses i should use? Because my little brother is only 13 safety is paramount in anything I do with him. Especially when it's around white hot metal that can give you third degree burns in a fraction of a second. My grandpa said he has an old 12" piece of I beam or rrt. He's not really sure which. Could I still use the I beam or would it bend after a while? And do normal hammers work? At least until I can make my own or do I have to round the edges first.


Hey Keaton,
If the Ibeam bends over time it's ok. It will still give you something to use as an anvil until you find something heavier or an anvil. I wear safety glasses and a glove on my tong hand and safety shoes (steel toe). I don't wear an apron but have burnt holes in my clothes and received burns and metal pieces on my arms. A leather apron would do good and you want yourself and your little brother to have an accident free experience while forging.

Normal carpentry hammers have a smaller striking area. They will work but may cause you more work due to their lighter weight. I think a good starting hammer for you and especially your younger brother might be ball peen hammers. They come in various weights and sizes and are good for many different uses.

Any good safety glasses that cover the entire eye area including the sides should be sufficient.

In time you will aquire more and more tools. Just be patient. Like others have said here before, tell everyone you meet what you are doing and what you are looking for in tools (anvil included). You never know what doors will open and provide you with opportunities.



hmmmm....a 17 yr old comment that is hip.......

Blacksmithing will be your crack. Is that cool and hip? LOL

Welcome to IFI and Blacksmithing.

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