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I Forge Iron

Ethics and honesty

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I wouldn't worry about calling something hand forged if you use factory pieces to make something. Items like rivets, bolts and other hardware were often made by specialists. If you are doing period correct work, then you have to worry about such things. And make the tools to make the tools to make the item. Just keep in mind the difference between "IN the style of...." as compared to "Historicaly correct for...", the first one is the looks of, the second is made and used exactly as it would have been.

I am also a carpenter, and have started with trees and finished with a product. It is a big PITA, I have access to a sawmill, and other powered tools, but the amount of work that goes into that kind of project is either so massive that no one can pay for it, or must be discounted so much that my time and skill is nearly valueless, and pretty much invisible.

By the way, making your own chain, and deciding it wasn't right, then getting some other chain, modifying it and cooking it in the forge till it did look right is ok, and a necessary part of what we do. Having the determination to say this isn't right, and fixing it goes a long way.

Good luck

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As far as I'm concerned, the mere fact that you asked yourself the question and fretted about the answer is evidence enough that you take your ethics and honesty seriously. Many, both nowadays and in the past as well, wouldn't have thought twice about it. Like the others have already said, your time is valuable too, and your judgement as well. It didn't look right, and you solved the problem instead of giving your customer something you weren't perfectly happy with. You take pride in your workmanship, and that is a good thing.

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