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I Forge Iron

New to the world of pounding hot steel


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Hi everybody.
I'm new to Blacksmithing. A couple of people have got me started with the idea of starting this new hobby. First My daughter is fourth year college student in a craft degree. This year she is loving her forging classes and is showing some talent for it. The next person is well known in the art world of metal forging and he is my cousin's husband. At this time I will only say he is known as the man of steel...He and I have had many talks in the last four years since my daughter has interest in metal forging and jewelry design. About two weeks I started looking for an anvil. My daughter wants a shop in the backyard and sunday afternoon I'm looking at a Fisher Norris anvil. Hopefully It will test out to be as good a deal as advertised. I'm looking forward to be part of this forum to learn as much as possible along the way. I will be starting a membership with the local ABANA grounp in my area and maybe the group in New Jersey.

Thanks for your time

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Hi everybody.
I'm new to Blacksmithing. A couple of people have got me started with the idea of starting this new hobby. First My daughter is fourth year college student in a craft degree. This year she is loving her forging classes and is showing some talent for it. The next person is well known in the art world of metal forging and he is my cousin's husband. At this time I will only say he is known as the man of steel...He and I have had many talks in the last four years since my daughter has interest in metal forging and jewelry design. About two weeks I started looking for an anvil. My daughter wants a shop in the backyard and sunday afternoon I'm looking at a Fisher Norris anvil. Hopefully It will test out to be as good a deal as advertised. I'm looking forward to be part of this forum to learn as much as possible along the way. I will be starting a membership with the local ABANA grounp in my area and maybe the group in New Jersey.

Thanks for your time

Glad to have ya.
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boots, a good ball pein hammer and a pair of tongs, dig a 'Dakota fire' style hole, line it with river clay or red clay and use a cheap hairdryer for air. charcoal or wood fired is you best bet, pine burns hotter and cleaner, hardwood burns longer. Or, If you want gas, diamondback Iron works makes some real good forges, and has good customer service from what I've seen.

*I am not in the employ of Diamondback Ironworks, that's my honest opinion.

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