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I Forge Iron

4 bar composite seax W/ ebony handle


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That there is absolutely beautiful. How did you attach the handle? It looks like one piece from the angles I can see. Do you bore a hole in the end, then epoxy and pin? Also, wouldn't L-6 with the 1084 give you a higher "performance blade" with the same high contrast to the pattern? Or is it more a matter of what's available? Anyway, that thing is real purty. I think I can get some decent blades, but the fit and finish of the hardware on the knives some of you guys are putting out just astounds me. Makes mine look pretty unrefined.

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Thanks Guys ! Mcraigl, the Ebony handle was drilled then chiseled to fit the tang, then the cavity is filled with epoxy and the blade is then pinned. I use the 15N20 because its so much easier to find than L6 and not all that different chemically, its got plenty of carbon & a bit of nickle too. As far as finishing goes I use tons of sandpaper and take lots of time. The secert is good lighting, lots of patience and tons of elbow grease.


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OK, not to keep pestering, but like I said I really, really like the fit and finish. So... The drilling: Do you use a drill bit that's the same diameter as the tang is wide, then drill a series of holes, then clean up with the chisel. OR.. Do you drill quite a bit oversize, then use the chisel to make slots in either side of the drilled hole? On the chisel... So do you have a very narrow chisel, or is it a wide, but very thin chisel? I was thinking maybe something on the order of a very narrow mortising chisel? Sorry to keep pestering you, but I just picked up a real purty piece of Bocote that is just itching to have a knife built around it and I've got a couple of pattern welded billets that I need to do something with. Thanks for the Intel.

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Mcraigl, the spacer or guard is scribed and drilled then cut undersized with a jewler's saw, then slowly filed to an exact fit. For the handle I drill a series of slightly oversize holes ( like 0.020 oversize max) then I chisel, broach , saw and scrape out the web between the holes. I have a whole mess of tools I've built from things like a modified jigsaw blade screwed to a thin aluminum handle to several custom made extra fine chisels as well as a broach tool very similar to this tool you can buy from Riverside Machine ( see Pic )

Hope this helps



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