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I Forge Iron

East Washington Knifemaking Class

David Roeder

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Hey everyone ! I just wanted to see if there is any interest in a Spring 2011 (March 2011) knifemaking class ? I am putting together another corse for beginning knifemaking, and it includes everything from beginning to end. 3 day class, it may be condenced to 2 depending on avalability.

The corse starte off on a talk on knifemaking, steels, and use of the forge. Forging a knife blade (either hidden or full tang) grinding, heat treating, final grind, Handle selection, guards, fit and finnish, sharpening. If there is time afterwards sheath making.

Not sure or not, but I thought i'd throw it out on here for all you in the NW area interested in learning knifemaking.

Any questions please call or e-mail me !!!

[email protected]

Dave Roeder

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