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I Forge Iron

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Hi Everybody,

I'm going on Monday morning to collect a bunch of pieces of a willow tree that were just cut down today. I talked to the crew and they are going to cut them all roughly 24" long, some will be a bit smaller and some will be larger. They will all be at least 12" diameter up to maybe 16". They should all be cut fairly parallel. I got one piece today that they cut for me thats about 24" X at least 18" diameter and its almost perfectly flat. There cutting it like nicely for me since its actually saving them work because they don't want to haul around the larger pieces.
So, if any one wants one or more just let me know. They will just be sitting in my backyard for when people want them. I already got the ones I want, then told them I would take more to help them get rid of the excess amount of wood. There will probably be about 12 of them.
They are located in Brantford, but I would be willing to haul them to any of OABA meeting that I attend.
Hope this will help some of you.

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I am definitely in need of stumps.
I figure I'm going to need 6 of the 2' x 16-18" stumps if possible.
Let me know when you have them and i can come pick them up near the end of July _ I have friends inf Brantford and I'm there all the time.
I fact I plan on being in Brantford next sunday if you can get the stumps by then ...
Let me know either way.


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I'll let you know tomorrow what I come up with. I'll be getting them in the morning and bringing them back to my house. I told them that anything that is over 12" diameter that they cut in 2' sections I would take so we will see what they did. There was I think 4 trees that they cut down.
Also a correction on the type of tree. They are Walnut trees, so still good wood for stumps.

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In Ca a few years ago black walnut trees were literally being stolen from farms. They were getting up to $10,000 for the trunks. The wood was/is in high demand for veneers. I know a company in Chico CA that buys walnut trees for gun stock material. They get up to $1,200 for some blanks, if the grain is right. You may want to get some, and see what the grain looks like. May be a good investment for you. Slab it up, and hang it to dry. Good walnut is getting tough to find.

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