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I Forge Iron

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Hello to all...

I'm new on this forum, but I've already read some really nice topics.

I like forging and to make experiments with other metals. Unfortunately I don't have lots of experience on forge, but I sure want to have.

Best regards

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Welcome to Iforgeiron! There are a lot of very knowledgeable & friendly people here from literally all over the world. Tell us where you are from and there might be someone close who can help you along. Keep checking back and post pics of your work so that we can see how you are doing.


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Welcome to Iforgeiron! There are a lot of very knowledgeable & friendly people here from literally all over the world. Tell us where you are from and there might be someone close who can help you along. Keep checking back and post pics of your work so that we can see how you are doing.


Thank you very much Mitch for welcoming me. I'm from Portugal (sorry If my English is not the best). As soon as I finish my school exams I'll start some projects on forging. Then I'll post here the results so that all can help me improve... :)


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