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I Forge Iron

I just got this anvil and have a question

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Hello, I just picked up this anvil and have a question about it. This is a Fisher as noted in one of the pics. On the other side of the bottom is the number 3. I found several posts where you add a 0 to the number and have the weight but that can't be right for this anvil. It weighs a lot more than 30 pounds. Any idea what the 3 means and maybe any other info you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I added a square for size reference in the pics. The rebound is good but I think the face needs to a little attention. I plan to forge knives on it.


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I highly advise AGAINST grinding or doing anything to the anvil, it has a pretty thin steel face and grinding or sanding with only make it thinner. just becouse your forging knives dose not mean you need a shinny ground face.

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Why don't you just weigh the anvil on a scale?

The "3" on the base is a casting code. It has nothing to do with the weight.

Your anvil should have a date cast in under the heal. From the logo on it, it should be between 1881 and 1910.

By guestimating weight by looking at the square, I would guess about 80-100 lbs.

If the face is flat, go not do any rough grinding on it. Dress the face with a piece of 280 grit silicon carbide paper wrapped around a flat block of oak, followed by 320 and 400 should give you a nice face to forge on. Do not remove more material than you have to.

Any other questions?

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Thanks njanvilman! Thats exaclty what I was wondering. I did start with a piece of 220 under a block yesterday and got most of the face down to bare metal. There are a few pits on the face, a couple being deep. But over all I'm happy with this as my first anvil!

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