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Sculpture Opportunity

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Bellwether 2010: Art Walk Bellevue
Call for sculptures and installations proposals – entries due February 26, 2010

The Bellevue Sculpture Exhibition is growing!

For its tenth biennial exhibition, the Bellevue Sculpture Exhibition, Bellevue Washington, is expanding to include outdoor visual arts installations as well as indoor and outdoor sculpture. Themes include Sustainability and our vision for a future Art Walk. All entries, whether they address our themes or not, are welcome. Opportunities for as many as 27 outdoor sculptures, 5 installations and 18 indoor sculptures. Sites include Bellevue’s Downtown Park, City Hall, and several locations along a ¾ mile route connecting the two. No entry fees. Participating artists receive honoraria, shipping and mileage re-imbursement, insurance and free installation. Entry information and forms: www.bellevuewa.gov/bellwether2010.htm/ ; email [email protected] ; or call 425-452-4105.

Entries and proposals due received Friday, February 26, 2010, 5:00 p.m.

Mary Pat
Mary Pat Byrne
Arts Specialist
City of Bellevue | 450 - 110th Ave. NE | Bellevue, WA 98004 | 425-452-4105

The contents of this message do not necessarily reflect the views of the City of Bellevue or its elected officials.

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Monster Metal, Here's an opportunity to show off your work. Why not go for it?

I know... Michal sent me this in a PM.... It actually just kind of bummed me out because it is the perfect opportunity and there is no way I can have a peice ready by the deadline.. I have plans to go to Idaho this weekend to pick up the blacksmith tools I bought and next week I have to clear out a shop up here I bought (I did get a 1/4" X 10' hydraulic shear in that deal though, will make a nice addition to the shop) and I have to have a set of gates hung, reinstall two other gates and finish two handrail jobs all before the end of the month...

If I would have known about it in December Id have a proposal but as it is there is just no way.... :( :( :( :(
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