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I Forge Iron

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Hello all! I'm new to the whole artcarft of blacksmithing and all but recently i have found myself interested in making my own knives. I have absolutely no idea what it is that I am doing so any and all information would be helpful. Right now my main focus is building a forge im not made of money so nothing too flashy. I've read a bit about them but have never seen step by step instruction maybe someone can point me in that direction.

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hi there laughng man and welcome - somebody will tell you ( not me coz i cant work it out yet - recently changed forum...) how to access the archives where you can type in how to make a forge and all the info will be right before your eyes. you came to the right place :)

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Welcome to the group
Please put you location by doing the following steps
Maybe you have a neighboor close enough to help you out

Step 1. Click on your name on the upper right hand corner of this screen for example Bob would click on “Mainely.Bob”.
Step 2. Scroll down and Click on "My Profile"
Step 3. Chick on “Edit My Profile” button near the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 4. Scroll down in the next screen to “Other Information” heading on the screen.
Step 5. In the “Location ” box, type your location into this box.
Step 6. Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click on the box that says, “Save Changes

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