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I Forge Iron

What was/is it?

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I remember a cylinder shaped piece of steel in my dads shop years ago. It was about the size and shape of a coffee can, solid, maybe 30 lbs or more. Since Being interested in blacksmithing the piece came to mind. The top had a smooth indention in the middle that funneled down to a peak, only an inch or so deep. I guess I never saw it used for anything or asked what it was for. Now I wonder. Havent saw it in many years but now I'm going to look for it, must have been used as something in metal working. It could possibly have been used for repairing a farm tool or laying a sickle bar on and knocking the rivets out, or I may be way off here. If I locate the cyclinder i will post a pic.

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A tool is made and used for the project at hand. Later when another person gets the same tool (without instructions), they have to figure things out. Many times you can get some indication by year marks. Like anything, do not go by what it is/was called, look at that piece as what it can do for you.

As always, photos would help generate suggestions.

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