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I Forge Iron

Blacksmith Shop & Iron Forging


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I didn't see anyone write on this little book "Blacksmithing Shop & Iron Forging" so I thought I would.
ISBN 0-917914-07-4
It's from the "Lost Technology Series" reprinted and Copyright @ 1983 by Lindsay Publications first printed in 1906 by International Correspondence Schools. It's a small paper back book but very nice at covering the basics. It's filled with illustrations to help with the written text which make it very nice as pictures help me more then just reading. It covers equipment to be used and made plus fundamentals and techniques in iron forging. It not a lot of deep detail information with only 53 pages but I though enough to help give you the basic understanding on how to start. I only wish I could remember where I got it as it was something I picked up back in the mid to latter part of the 1980's, when I first had a desire to get into blacksmithing. If my memory improves (but don't hole your breath) I'll up date this as it does.


Edited by billp
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