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I Forge Iron

~my first tomahawk~

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ok, the knife was a nice start. but i decided to kick it up a knotch! iv started my next project and i have to say the coal i got is a HUGE differance... i dont thank ill ever go charcoal agan... mabe to start the coal but thats about it.

anyway. in the process of makeing this. ALOT has went wrong.. this thing must be cursed!

1. first run with coal and watned to proserve it so put out with water... WAY TOO MUCH... water... blower fan/motor drowed to near death. basicly had to replace

2. both hammer heads on my 2 pund and 2.5 pound made a quick trip across the shop as the handle remained in my hand. so i had to get some hammer wedges/nails thingys to fix those

3 upon finaly getting a shape that was accpetable i decided to start grinding/sanding away. guss what broke next!.. if you gussed my grandpa's belt sander... YOU WIN!... nothing unforitly

-----inprovments made wile doing this project------

1. MUCH better blower now... i can melt/burn steel if i crank it to 11

2. more expernace. YAY!

3. i raised my anvil so its at a much more manageable hight. still need to raise a few inches

4. no more wobbly hammer heads. or flying in 1 case.

5. i now have a quinch tub/jug thingy so that comes in handy

6. better tools. tongs that can hold mutli size peaecs. (still need better ones tho)

____________________ a look at my progress! ___ please note this project is still incompleate.________



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ok then, looks like you and i are neck and neck here on our set-up's!
i'm still using the charcoal fueled kitty litter forge but i did get an old propane tank and will make that into a gas forge and have an old stainless steel dbl sink for a charcoal forge but due to space ect i'll get the gas first since it just makes more sense for me in my situation
as for hammers i just got a cross peen today and dressed it and threw some fresh grill paint on it so tomorrow it goes to work looking all kinds a purty!
i had a small cross peen and a 4lbs maul till today and got work done with it though i didnt loose my "head" with any of them...haahaahaa
so check out my tomahawk, it's made from a rail road spike and just needs a lil more touch up to be finished so the guy it's for can come pick it up.
what is yours made from, looks like a big bolt?
Well dude i hope your luck changes and it will and keep on posting what you make, it's cool to see others in the early stages (beginning) of this and what they are putting out.
catch ya later.

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cool deal but be very careful about anything on the RR trax they are real tight about that stuff and they have a habit of prosecuting for even taking loose RR spikes, theres even a thread on the topic here, so be careful it's not worth the trouble, things have become repressive n this country with so many laws you cant get through the day with out breaking at least a few and the RR companies are taing full advantage of those laws!
so when your done post the pix of it , would love to see the finished product!

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