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I Forge Iron

getting started in Memphis


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Hey all, I just wanted to intorduce myself. My name is Peter, I'm a structural designer and I'm currently in the process of aquiring what I need to get start blacksmithing. I'm an avid outdoorsman, served in the Army and a bit of a knife freak. My goal is to become a bladesmith, I have made a couple of blades by stock removal, but I really want to start forging my own knives, but I need to start with the basics. I hope to take a basic blacksmithing course at the metal museum here in Memphis, but it looks like the wife and I will be moving soon. We haven't decided which coast yet, but we know we need to be by the water.
Anyway. I'm glad I found this forum, and look forward to learning all I can.


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Welcome aboard Peter, glad to have ya.

As time goes on more and more folk are rediscovering the confidence being able to have their way with iron and steel with no more than man's oldest tools, his/er hands and mind. This means there are more and more organizations of enthusiasts where ever you go. The west coast has a couple outstanding and VERY active groups and the east coast has many active excellent clubs as well.

Heck, have you considered moving north west? Alaska has more coast than the rest of the country combined. We even have a club. ;)


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thanks for the invite Frosty, I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and that was too cold for me. I want to move to a place where folks don't know what a snow shovel is. I've heard that Alaska is beautiful, my bro-in-law, and a good friend of mine were stationed up there, I just can't deal without sunshine though, I think I'd lose my mind.

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