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I Forge Iron

A good scrapyard in Portland, Oregon

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Hey All

I went to Metro Metals NW and was told by the gate attendant that people aren't allowed outside of their vehicles while in the yard, but if I saw something I liked that I could tell him and he would grab it.

That arrangement is hardly ideal for a scrounger, but could be considered an option if there's nothing else.

Are there any good scrap yards in Portland that let you stroll the grounds and dig around for the good stuff?



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Hey Iain,

Years ago there was a place in Vancouver called Koppe's - Now that place was heaven! I'd spend hours (after bringing the yard-dogs Starbucks) just scrounging

Now Metro and a couple other outfits have pretty much got the scrap biz all sewed up. The days of wandering the yard picking and choosing are pretty much gone.

If you do happen to find a place give us a heads-up!

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