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I Forge Iron

one of my first


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this is a dagger i started making about a year ago, i never got around to working on it to much cuz i didnt have the right tools(knowledge) at the time but now that i'm better equiped i pulled it out of the "maybe later" pile and took to it. i did all the file work by hand and the sanding as well brought it to about 200 grit cuz well thats all i had kicking around. about a year ago i had poor hammer skills and didn't know to much about smithing blades, i tryed to get as much of the hammer marks as i could but you can still see the real bad ones near the guard end, never the less it turned out better that it would have when i started it lol. the pummel and the blade are all one peice and i dont really know where to go with the grip(or what to use rather) so i just left it for now(any suggestions?). i had left a 1/2" x 1/2" ball at the pummel end to put some detail on it and only got around to doing something with it now, looks kinda looks like a a chess peice(queen), i did it on the fly and wanted it to look like a crown, i know it's not the best but anything you guys have to say is always welcome.:)

the specs:
over all:19"

here are some pics


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i was thinking about a wire wrap as well. the file work is actually not file work it was hammered in with some little fullers i made,the material that was in between the spikes was pushed to the center for that little dimple , i just cleaned up a bit on the radius with the files

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