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I Forge Iron

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Just thought I would say hello.
My name really is Mark, I am also known as Ole (pronounced Oh-Lee) or Griz. I am a third generation worker of metal. I took my smithing classes at Greenfield Village in the mid 1970s. I live near the northern tip of Michigans mitten where, beleive it or not there are quite a few smiths. There seems to be a fun,friendly, informative and kind group of gentlemen and ladies associated with this site. Thank you to those who make it possible.
I hope I am able to make a positive contribution. My areas of proffesional expertise are, Safety, Engineering, and Welding.


Welcome aboard Mark :)

This is a site dedicated to helping folks who want to learn how to mash metal into somthing beautiful, useful, strange, whatever!

A wise man said Knowledge must be shared or else it lies dead in the mind, so feel free to share yours, it's what this place was built for :)


Thanks for the welcome Ian.
I have been followiong your travels a wee bit.
You get to Americay and find yourself nearby, there is a place at the table.

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