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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Jreed

  1. Chris. Take Eric up on his offer for help and shoot him an email. I didn't pic up this hobby until after my last deployment. He did it in theater so has an understanding of what you need to do. Send me an email also if I can come up with any ideas I will send them to you. jeremy.reed@marines.usmc.mil

  2. alright Im off Euclid and Katella... Went to Loara

    Too funny I went to Magnolia then transferred to Loara mid junior year class of 93.

    Start small and once you have your feet under you you can improve.

  3. I just used the entire 55 gallon drum for my brake drum forge, I cut holes in the side for the blower to connect, supporting the blower with a large log and a brick. Then I cut a second hole large enough for me to access the cleanout. I have the same style brake drum forge you have in the pictures

    I didn't have the whole drum. I found the lid in the brush around the house and broke out the dremel and drill. Nice thing is it is very easy for me to pick up and move it out side when I want to fire it up and when done I just put it back in my small shed.

    Pat Roy
    Yep very simple and inexpensive to boot. With it being open under neath I don't have to stand so far away. I used 30" pipe for the legs which puts it at the right height for me with my 6'2" frame.

  4. Sorry I know better than to not put up a location, I'm actually in Anaheim

    Ah my ole stomping grounds. I grew up right off Orange between Beach and Dale. Give me another year and I should be back out at Pendleton.

  5. Beth, thats a great idea starting a kids section.

    I want to Thank everyone for taking the time to comment on his hook and on the encouraging words to my son.

    That is a very cool hook. My boys (8 and 10) both like to work in the forge they even have their own RR track anvil. :D

    +1 on the kids section

    Hello from Ft. Wayne, Indiana

  6. Here it is, 1 week and $20 later. I only had a sledge and channel locks. I can already see alot of room for improvements.

    That is a cool set up. Beats digging a hole in the ground like I did for my first forge.

    P.S. nothing wrong with channel locks. That is what I have been using.

  7. errr... looks like its gots some leg irons attached to the base.. :o .. for those apprentices always on the coffee break.. ;)

    kiddin aside... the cinder blocks might crackup on you... go for a big stump and burry it in the ground to the right height.. maybe that'd work better


    Thanks. I am in the process of finding a suitable stump.

  8. WOW, Jeremy! I just looked at your blog.:) I see so many folks struggling with making a forge with many more resources than you started with. You truly have personified the concept of "improvise, adapt, and overcome". BTW, Thank you for your continued service. Semper Fi!

    Its what we do. Grew up on a tight budget as a kid makes ya pretty inventive if it is important enough. :D Thank you
  9. I am in the process of building the same forge. I am building the burner my self from the blue prints here. The bucket I had to get from a specialty paint store as the local hardware stores and the big home improvement stores don't carry them. I am slowly putting together the rest of the body parts as my hobby fund gets money in it(saving for the holidays really puts a crimp in it).

  10. Grant
    I had been contemplating that same thing. That was going to be my next question but you beat me to it. Should I expect any issues as long as I keep everything to scale?

    Again thanks for the patience with the newbie questions.

  11. I am hoping to be able to reach welding temps when working with under 1/2" material. I had not considered a 2 burner set up just wanted to start with one until I figure out what I am doing. Then I can move on to more complicated setups as I become more confident in my ability's to not screw it up.

    I am really new to blacksmithing and have taken it up as a hobby to blow off steam in my limited free time at the same time doing some thing with a useful outcome. I started with a real simple break drum set up burning lump charcoal and am able to build and maintain a fire that way so that it will hit usable temps. My issue is that I am active duty military and depending where I am stationed such a set up is not very practical hence my interest in a gas setup plus it is more easily moved . I have been reading a lot on this site and finally feel that I understand enough of the basics to start asking questions.

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