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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by SinDoc

  1. The sad part Thomas is I HAD a nice old grill that did not work anymore that I junked last year that would have made a perfect JABOD. I have been keeping an eye out and have asked most people I know if they have seen any around I could snag. 

    Also as a result of me talking to people about my new hobby, I have been given tons of random metals to tinker with. Only been doing this for a couple months and already have quite the little scrap pile to play with. Been trying to find an empty and discarded oxy tank to use for shaping. I would be some peoples best friend in the world if I could make them some skillets and camping cookware.

  2. Over the vacation last week I did managed to revisit this one. The vinegar worked perfectly. I rinsed the hooks off in the water bucket and after a little wiping with a rag then quick hit with the Dremel with a polishing wheel, they turned a nice shiny silver. From the time I took it out of the vinegar bath to it being very well polished was maybe 5-8 minutes. The heat coloring really pops with them being so nice and clean.

  3. With the price of lumber, if I had not had those pieces on hand it would have been cheaper to just buy a round charcoal grill and retrofit it. Lumber is so dang pricey right now. $73 bucks for a single sheet of subfloor that I needed for my bathroom remodel!

  4. I like that. That looks like the pipe I am using with how far it sticks out. One other reason I want to cut it down is I just want the whole thing to be a bit more compact. Plus if I leave it sitting around with that long pipe sticking out, one of the kids is bound to run into it sooner or later :lol:. I am way over-engineering it, but having fun in the process.

  5. I just want don't want anything to melt even though I know it is unlikely lol but yes, that does make sense. As for the hack saw, I only have my Dremel and my Sawzall for cutting. Haven't acquired a hack saw yet but it is on my list to get.

  6. I want to go to Quad-State since its only like 45ish minutes away. Is it happening this year? When I last looked on SOFA's website, the timer wasn't running and I couldn't find an confirmation on it. I will look again real quick.



    I stand corrected. If you google  Quad-State SOFA, it takes you to the 2020 link and not 2021. The 2021 does indeed have a timer so looks like its a go. Looks like I will be going!

    Edit #2:

    Now that I think about it, I could stop by and ask Adlai if he happens to know a local source or would possibly even have a small bit I could buy off him. If anything it will be fun talking to him again. He was such a nice person.

  7. I have been trying to find a place to get tool steel, whether is A2, O1, W2, it doesn't matter. I want to get experience working with it as well as make punches and such from them. I have not found a place that sells round stock that doesn't give me sticker shock yet.

    NJSB sells bars, but I did not see rounds. Metal Supermarkets wants over $100US for I think it was 8' of O1 @ 5/8's diameter and it would take a month to get. I have not had a chance to stop by my local Alro Steel just yet, but their website isn't proving promising. I've read various threads here where people mention fab shops. I believe there is a medium sized one down the road from my work on the south end of Columbus I could swing into.

  8. I was just watching some of their videos last night. Watched one where the lady (whos name has currently escaped me) made a sort of Celtic wrist band. I have Celtic tattoos, so I was all over that video lol. I don't watch them super frequently, but them, Black Bear Forge and recently Alec Steele have been the main ones I watch as of late.

  9. The misses asked me the other day if I was going to make a little name for myself if I started selling things which made me try and think of one.

    My first thought was Forge of Sin. I don't think that sounds the greatest though. Maybe Sinful Metal Works or Sinful Metals. A little background is gaming is one of my other hobbies and my gamer tag has simply been "Sin" for over a decade at this point, so it's a moniker I am simply used to. People are not super religious around here, so I don't think it would cause issues :lol:

    I am not personally concerned with a name at this point as I am just a fledgling.

  10. I was going to use my Dremel with a cutting wheel and just quickly cut it into 2 pieces then take the piece I cut off and cut it into 2 pieces, rethread the ends and reassemble everything to keep my pipe length for heat dissipation while keeping it tight to the box at the same time. Essentially just make a "U" around the box that goes up to the blower but keeping it spaced roughly an inch away from the wood just in case it were to get too hot. Granted treated lumber doesn't typically burn easily. At least not for a little while. 

  11. I have a crawl space and I am the same. I avoid going into it at all cost until winter when there are less things moving around down there. Old houses are a pain. Our has consist of 3 parts. The main/original structure, the kitchen/bathroom addition and the utility/mechanical rooms. The last one is just a concrete slab (which had a drain collapse under it a few months ago which is what brought on the remodel), and the other two are over a crawl space.

    The way the crawl space is, you cannot get to the other side of the house due to the HVAC trunk line blocking all means of getting through. Due to that, when we bought the house the inspector was not able to see the other side. The first thing I noticed walking the house was the sag on one side in the original part of the house but didn't think of it. Fast forward a few years later and I am ripping up floors in that part of the house to put down nice new subflooring (rather than having multiple layers stacked on top of each other) and put down new laminate only to find the cause of the sagging. The ding dong that owned the house before us disclosed they cut a hole in the dinning room (original side) to get under the kitchen addition to add supports to undo sagging but what they did not mention was that they cut ~3' sections out of 5 joist to make room to get in and out and did not bother to sister them back together which caused the house to start caving in on itself.

    I have yet to full on fix it, but the joist are put back together and I managed to crank about an inch and a half out of a 3 inch sag before the jacks were forced into the dirt. Installed some cinderblock pylons to support the giant log spine of the house and sealed it back up for another day. Since then I am terrified of opening anything up in the house as I am afraid of what I will find.

  12. I had thought about doing something with the angle as that is what I was doing during testing as if I pointed it directly at it, coals and ashes and everything else would go flying. I think I will mount it on the side of the box on a sort of swivel so I can rotate it up and down to change the amount of air going into the pipe. I still need to do some modifying on the pipe as it is currently WAY too long. Shortest piece the hardware store had was 4'.

    I plan on getting pictures because I know how much you guys love pictures. My intent with this is to give me the ability to make larger items that simply wont fit in my propane forge.

  13. I messed with it a little last week and unfortunately the blower I got was a little too powerful and sends fleas everywhere. Need to downgrade it a bit. I used lump charcoal and got a piece of mild round stock up to a bright yellow in no time. Need to cut the pipe a bit shorter, put in a 90 and maybe a check valve for a bit more control on the air then mount a lower power blower to the side.

    The soil was quite wet when I did this so it has since turned into a nice solid mass of almost clay consistency. The fire pot has already hardened quite nicely as well. The only problem I foresee is the bottom got a little toasty to the touch after mild tinkering, so I may need to either remove the fire brick or make it deeper. I only had 2x6's laying around and probably should have gotten 2x8's.

  14. It may be more common where you are, but I know trying to have plaster done/fixed around me is next to impossible. Its cheaper and easier to rip it all out and slap drywall up onto the boarding behind it.

    We didnt have a choice with the bathroom sadly. Had to do a major drain repair which required tearing into the floor and walls. So I figured we might as well put new stuff back in while were at it. Wifes happy since she is getting to "nest" and make the house hers.

    Happy wife, happy life.

  15. I know how you feel Daswulf. My week flew by in a flash. Got a large portion of the bathroom done. Got the plumbing finished up, AAV installed for the new line, rerouted water feeds and electrical to another wall then sealed the subfloor and drywall back up. Now the misses just needs to decide on wall color and and floor before I can go any further.

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