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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Scalebar

  1. They're not stainless - many warnings about oiling before storing, even the disposables aren't - trace elements and stuff. 

    As for the diamonds, well my 2.5mm blade was 6k sterling and costs 1k to sharpen, it's one of the few bits of lab kit that's 'personal' - as in you use the communal blade unless I tell you in writing you can use mine - we get tetchy. Cuts to 70nm though, probably too thin for tomatoes. 

  2. Thanks all, good to know. We don't use them anymore (the disposables are even sharper and cheaper ) I always assumed they were very hardened because we used diamond paste on a lap to sharpen and they go through most body parts in very thin sections - I've done bone. I remember my training - if you drop one step back, do not try to catch, you could loose a digit. I've got a few to forge with at some point. 

    I also use diamond blades - 100% carbon makes a great edge but the slightest inattention when your working and plink.... 

  3. Leaving gift for my boss. Aside from heating it up to flatten out this was pure stock removal, starting on a cheap belt sander and bevelling on a hand sanding jig. I based the shape on one of my bought kitchen knifes - I'm pleased enough with this one that I'll stick with the design for a few more and play around with the handle design. 

    Steel from an old coal shovel - it hardened well. I didn't intend to go that thin but I kept trying to grind out the marks and got carried away before realising they were inclusions. The bevel on the right hand side isn't quite even - a slight dip in the metal about half way along, it got to the point where any more trying to fix it would have made it worse. 

    Quenched it in warm veg oil, tempered with a torch. 

    The sumac wood is very porous, I had to give it a few good soaks of shellac before it would sand well. 

    I'm wondering whether to go over the steel again with a little wire wool. 







  4. Slowly converting an old coal shovel into new tools. This knife's stock removal, I've taken the metal down from 3mm to 1mm so I'm pretty certain these marks are inclusions. This is after heat treating and 800 grit clean up, Can I infer anything about the material from them? Other than it adds a little character... 

    inclusions -01.jpeg

  5. They're very handy tools when your allotment mostly grows horsetail. One edge of my more western style trowel is also sharpened up for when I need a bit of heft on the brambles. 

    I've spark tested the handle at a few spots - looks like the full length is similar stuff 

  6. Knife number four - 

    I found a shovel in the wood. Pretty rusted and dented but I took it home thinking it'll be bit of useful mild or wrought for something. I took a sliver off the bottom to see if it would harden, turns out tightening the vice on it was enough to break it after quenching.  So I decided it'd be a good choice for a hori hori. I like rough finishes so I polished a bit but left a good deal of distress marks in. 

    Hammered in a waist at the tang and worked around the edge so I'd have less to grind and kept the curve shallow as I wanted more knife than trowel, I didn't want a serrated portion. Grinding was interesting, I had a play with some offcuts and settled on bevelling the back and doing a flat grind on the front, it's given me a reasonably thick cutting edge. 

     I'd thought I'd do something fun with the depth marker. Electro etch - table salt and 30mins at six volts, the curves on the stem marks 2cm intervals. 

    I hadn't expected a strong grain ( or any grain) to the metal but I do like the end result. Gave it an oil quench and two two hour cycles in the oven at 205c. 

    The handle's spalted blackthorn, I'd started shellacing but the paler area at the front just soaks it up so I let that dry and went for beeswax. 

    I wish I'd gone for two pins now - that one being slightly out of line is bugging me but I'm generally thrilled with this. 




  7. Found another few this morning and some larger bolts, the bolts resist the file after quenching :). I also found an office chair that I managed to lug quarter of a mile to a bin and two dining room chairs I couldn't carry as well. 

    What staggers me is the effort it must have taken to dump them in the first place. 

  8. A productive but uncomfortable dog walk, my physio is gonna give me disapproving looks. Those clips are a kilo each of shear steel, plus a bit of wrought, that nut and bolt might become hammer and I'm sure I can find a use for the coal shovel.

    It's sat on the half sleeper I found a while ago which happens to fit my sandbox as a lid. 

    haul -01.jpeg

  9. I cook with nettles now and then. One day I'll get round to trying fibre. 

    Next door are clearing off for a few weeks, that neatly coincides with the end of finals so I'll actually be able to take some leave and get some serious hammering done


  10. Finally we get to the bottom of it - they're putting the house on the market and worried that I'll put it off viewers and think I'm doing this in revenge for last years fortnight of jackhammering from them. 

    That means I should hold off from my real revenge plan - which involves a large bag of nettle seeds cos I wouldn't want to inflict that on new neighbours. 

  11. Well I knocked on the door which I don't think he was expecting and lead to an immediate back down. I've now got them texting me when they go out - I'm not going to let them dictate when I do my hobbies but it adds another example of me being reasonable.  Got a camera to set up and I'll just see what happens next. 

  12. On 5/30/2021 at 11:05 PM, Gazz said:

    I'd like to see one of those cut and polished.  What is the slag from?

    There were lot of foundries round here (Birmingham) so I'd guess iron/steel production, it got used for building and roads round here, this bit came from an 'outcrop' on the river bank, most I find in the road. I'd have cut it this weekend but it was hot and my workshop is a metal box with a glass roof


  13. As soon as I can get a lift I'll be filling a sandbox for the anvils. One's a cheap 5kg cast iron draper job (now dented xxxxxx) on a block of oak, the other's are a ten and a thee inch length of rail track used loose on a sleeper at the moment. 

    The noise is definitely below anything that would be considered actionable, this presumably comes under "industrial activity" but as a hobby that just means not before 12 (from the govt website). 


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