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Posts posted by Quartz

  1. Greetings.
    A good while ago I got my hands on an Oliveras 17 power hammer, and now I'm starting to put it to use.
    I have no experience with maintaining power hammers and unfortunately I haven't been able to find any information about this model, let alone an user manual.

    Mechanically it appears to be fairly similar to the smallest little giant models, but it has a rubber spring and a different clutch. I'm pretty sure the ram weighs 17kg, which is about 37lb.

    The clutch appears to be a metal-on-metal conical clutch.


    Now for my questions. I've noticed two kinds of lubricant ports on the machine, grease nipples and conical holes:


    What kind of products are appropiate for each part of the hammer? Is lithic grease okay for the parts with nipples?
    What about the parts with conical holes? Can I just put some three in one  on them before a day of heavy use? Would car engine oil be better?

    Same thing about the slides and the clutch, which has conical holes conecting to the contact surface. Should the clutch have oil at all?

    Lubrication aside, how tight should the slides be? Is a bit of play desirable? I tightened them a bit after noticing some sideways play on the ram. Currently there is enough friction on the ram that it can remain in the up position when the crankshaft is between the 10'o clock and 2'o clock position (there is no brake and the clutch is disengaged):

     This is too much friction, right?

    Regarding the rubber spring, could it have degenerated with time and use? Is it viable to replace them if no official replacements are available?

    As about the timing, as far as I can tell the hits are consistent, I took a slow motion video and it appears like the ram hits when the crankshaft is on the 6'o clock position.


    Does that look okay?

    I would also be interested if anyone could tell me more about Oliveras power hammers and this model in particular.

    Thanks for your time in advance and sorry if I didn't express myself clearly.

  2. Whenever I go to a paint shop and ask about a metal primer I get the same answer: "we don't use those anymore, use an antioxidant enamel instead, it's easier".

      But so far I ain't too happy with the results I've achieved with antioxidant enamels. I'm not good with paint but I've prepared and degreased the metal with care and applied the paint following the instructions in the can and the result is always a fairly delicate coat of paint, any bump or scratch against something hard and the bare metal shows. 

    In contrast, I've had to strip some metals that had been primed and painted, tha coat was really thick and getting the bare metal to show was very hard, to the point that it was a pain XXXXXX to strip.

    I don't know any expert whose advice I can ask for, so I ask here, have you tried these antioxidant paints? Are they worth it for heavy duty stuff if you apply them well? Should I try to get some primer if I'm concerned with contact resistance? 


    Thanks for your time. 

  3. Unfortunately I didn't have a bearing ball to test it, I'll see if I can find one before I see it again. 

    And about the ring test, I did test how it sounded but wasn't sure how to interpret it. 

    Being a one piece cast anvil, would there be a noticeable diference between cast iron and cast steel? I thought the ring test was mostly to check if the face was properly attached. 

  4. Frazer, I'm afraid I couldn't make a photo, but I can describe it further. 

    It had a horn and a tapered section on the other side of the face. Had a hardy hole of about 2cm and a pritchel hole, both centered. The surface of the metal was rough all around. 

    It had a square stud below to attach it. 

    It is in Spain, so I guess the E in the markings might be for España. 

  5. I've been offered an anvil with the markings Lincoln E 50, it seems like it's cast and 50 most likely refers to 50kg. 

    I'd like to know if these are good anvils, since I haven't been able to find anything about Lincoln anvils. 

    Thanks for your time. 

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