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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by LennyD

  1. :lol: yeah, as im progressing with this build im starting to realize that its not going to work out as well as i had initially hoped. The steel i used is pretty soft and maleable. Except the blade, its an old table saw blade (pretty hard stuff)

  2. I've got another question. So the long piece there is going to go between both sides of the handle and stop the blade from folding back to far (the peice will be flatter/thinner when it's finished) and im wondering what the best way to get it to stay there beside welding it. My ideas are: thread some holes all the way through and screw in some all-thread; rivet it (but the piece is pretty narrow so i dont know how well that would work); or drill some holes and force some nails through while the handle is hot...




    Ohh nice!

  3. Well ive finally finished cutting out both halves, i drilled some 3/8 tried using a jig saw, but it didnt work as well as a saber saw probably would have. (Thanks anyways though, Frosty!) So i instead cut as much out with a hacksaw as i could, then cleaned it up with a file, and some sandpaper. My hands are cramped up, but its done! :lol:


  4. So, i am making this folder, and wanted the handle to be "skeletonized" (refer to picture below) the handle is made of some old scrap mild steel, its about a quarter inch thick (i wanted a nice heavy beefy handle so i can actually use it for hammering or whatever odd job im workin on) and i would like to know what the easiest way to cut out those triangles would be, besides a hand file. (Plasma cutter is not an option haha) i have every imaginable file, sander, dremel bit, drill bit, hacksaw and a propane torch, and a bunch of other basic tools to work with.

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