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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daniel95

  1. I like that idea. I think this is some kind of mild steel, becuase when I ground a file and it had way more sparks. Is there a place on this forum to learn about what different types of steel to use? I only know of three basic types of iron for forging: wrought iron (rare and hard to make, very low carbon content), Mild steel (common, has low carbon content), and High Carbon Steel (good for knives, hammers, chisels, etc. High carbon content.). Regarding the specific types (1080, A-36, etc.) I dont really know where to get them or what is good/bad. There just seems like there are so many types of steel :/
  2. Here is a link to the spark test. Sorry, I dont quite know how to classify the metal with sparks (some day), but I know lots of you can.
  3. Thats a good Idea (Right now I dont have tongs, so thats not a bad idea) Ill have to do some research, I have not made tongs before.
  4. Hi all, I am a little low on creativity right now. My dad gave me this long round, and I dont know what to do with it. I have mostly only used stock 1/2 inch or less, so this is new to me. Idk if it is mild or HC steel. It about 10 feet long. And it was free to me. Creativity welcome.
  5. Ill make sure to pick up a ball peen. 16 oz or 32 oz? And also, can you tell me more on the needlenose tongs. Right now I use standard pliers, which dont really work to well. Thanks!
  6. Ok, here is a report back. I havent dressed the hammer yet, but I did a test someone mentioned. I set piece of wood about 1/4 inch thick on the anvil. A gave it a whack (like I would when forging), and there was a nice circle in the wood. It feels comfy too (before the picture it was a foot tall, made my back hurt). I also like the peen, it works nice. Now I have got a question. So as you can see the hammer has a plastic (I think) handle. Most blacksmith hammers I have seen have a nice wooden handle that is contoured to the hand of the weilder. I am pretty happy with my hammer head, but I dont know if a wooden handle is better. Is it a good idea to remove the current handle and buy wood? Any advice? (I know that this is an anvil thread, so sorry about that) God Bless
  7. Thanks Thomas. Ill try out some forging with it this week. It might be good as it stands, but if I have some trouble Ill definetly shoot yall a message. Thanks!
  8. I dont happen to have one now, but that is a great suggestion. Clean up week is coming up, I'll see what I can find. I might also try to find an old couch to make some bellows
  9. Ok, thanks for your patientce. Ill be back tommorow.
  10. Ok. This is a beginner problem, but what exactly do I use the cross peen for?
  11. Thanks Glenn! That was some good info. Ill test it out tommorow.
  12. Thanks, I might give that a try. I might end up using dirt because of ease, but adobe sounds good too. Thanks for the advice.
  13. Sadly I dont have any manure on hand, but thanks for the suggestion. I am sure it works great. What is a basic adobe recipe?
  14. I think I have my mind set on the African double mound charcoal forge. I didn't get time to build today but maybe tommorow. Anyway, if you guys dont mind, a coulpe more q's. First off, it does rain here in ND. Will that damage/destroy the forge? If so is there a way to prevent that? Secondly, I have clay, play sand, and pea gravel at my disposal. Should I try to make some kind of adobe? Or should I stick to good old dirt? Remeber this is an outdoor forge, and though I wont be using it forever, I definitely will be until I can build a movable JABOD (few months). Thanks all!
  15. That was great advice. I probably will remeber that sentiment for the rest of my life. Thanks for all your help!
  16. Ok, so it ambigous. Thank for the feedback. I am starting to learn that in blacksmithing, there are certain things in which there are no-no's, but lots of things seem to be up to the blacksmith to decide. Thanks so much. I now know what to do to build a forge, dress my hammer, and fix up my anvil. I should be about set. God Bless!
  17. I read thru it. Do I want my hammer face to be roundish or flat? If you had a pic of a good blacksmith hammer I could just look and copy. I suppose there isnt a do it all hammer, but what I make are little things like hooks and leaves, and eventually knives. Thanks so much, and if my many questions are bothersome, feel free to let me know. God Bless
  18. Sorry to ask, but how? Is it in the hand tools section?
  19. Oops Thomas... I use a 2lb cross pein hammer from Menards, probably not dressed well. Should I try to dress it up, or buy an actual smithing hammer? Probably should clean the dirt off of it too.
  20. That was the analysis I needed. Thanks Frosty. I have 2 quick questions if you dont mind. First off, with the current stand I have, the anvil face lies flush with my wrists. Is that good? And second, this is kind of embarrassing, but what does "radius the edges" mean? Thanks again for all yout help.
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