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Posts posted by Evergreen_Forge_Works

  1. MS- I haven't weighed it. Because its an American brand anvil, I assumed it's used pounds instead of hundredweight. But we are mounting it today, so I'll weigh it first 

    BF - I haven't been able to find a date. I haven't found any markings other than the one I posted. I might need to clean it up some and see if I can find a date.

  2. I recently purchased a Belknap anvil, 110lbs. I was hesitant to buy it because I couldn't find much info on their anvils. Fortunately it has turned out to be a pretty good anvil. I was wondering if anybody had any info on Belknap anvil, especially a date for the anvil's year of manufacturing. I did what research I could and found a 1917 catalog from Belknap but found the markings on my anvil to be different from the catalog and the company's logo in later years. Anyways, I appreciate any info.




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